Health | September 2022

habits that can

worsen dry skin

Having a job as a cocktail waitress, we were required to apply makeup every day as part of our uniform. Even before the YouTube beauty blogger days, I was trying every color and blending technique known to man; sometimes it wasn’t nice.

Shower habits that can worsen dry skin

You know it's winter when dry skin is most prevalent. But when you shower in the wintertime, daily hot showers can dry out your skin even more so t...
By Christine Belino

Tips to Protect Your Skin This Fall Season

Dry skin is a common problem during the fall and winter months. Follow these tips for protecting your skin against environmental damage, indoor hea...
By Christine Belino


Almost all of us have dealt with ingrown hair from many different causes such as shaving,  waxing and  tweezing.  No matter if it’s two or twenty i...
By Danielle Huey

The Importance of

Facials and skin care

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